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Web Survey Bibliography

Title A gamification effect in web surveys among children and adolescents
Year 2014
Access date 10.12.2014

Several studies have been measured a gamification effect in the surveys among adults, however, no experiments have been published with a focus on younger respondents. In this paper, data quality between the three conditions is compared among children and adolescents 7-15 years old: (1) a text-only survey, (2) a visual survey with an attractive design and images, and (3) a gamified survey. To test a gamification effect, an experiment using a volunteer online access panel in Russia was conducted among 1,050 children. The gamified survey produced completion time more than a third longer than the text-only survey. A higher overall item nonresponse rate was found in both the gamified and visual surveys. However, this was mainly due to the Flash-based questions in these conditions. Fewer respondents straightlined and used middle responses in the gamified and visual surveys. It was also less burdensome to complete the gamified survey. Children requested help to answer survey questions less often. They found it more enjoyable and easier. Moreover, the subjective evaluation of the completion time was not different from the two other conditions. The results show that it is worth investigating a gamification effect in the surveys among children further.

Year of publication2014
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography (4086)
